
在沒有contraindication的情況下, 首選 Metformin

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 B型肝炎的治療時機 (健保給付的標準):

1. HBsAg 陽性 > 6M

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Acute lung edema > 3 B-lines per rib space

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Lateral wall of the LV :
  LAD + LCx supply 

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  • LAD occlusions
  • The worst prognosis of all infarction ( Larger infarct size )
  • 除了 Anterior STEMI, 

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IICP is associated with certain characteristic ECG changes :

  • Widespread giant T inversions = Cerebral T waves
  • QT prolongation
  • Bradycardia (Cushing reflex – indicates imminent brainstem herniation

- Massive ICH

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任何 Precordial leads 的 大 T 波

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Neurogenic disorders

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