目前分類:Acute abdomen (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
Critical acute pancreatitis is defined as
persistent organ failure and infected pancreatic necrosis

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Peforation of GI organ 
Peforated peptic ulcer (PPU)

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嚴重度分級 : 

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T6 is the demarcation 分界 for differentiating the high cord from the low cord lesions

- Abdominal pain/tenderness is completely absent

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闌尾炎的典型表現,就是 :

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* 腹痛 + 胰臟酵素上升 = 胰臟炎 ( X )
   要考慮  CT 排除其他原因  ( ex : Hallow organ perforation)

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