- LAD occlusions
- The worst prognosis of all infarction ( Larger infarct size )
- 除了 Anterior STEMI,
Other high-risk presentations of anterior ischaemia :
- Left main occlusion
- Wellens' syndrome
- De Winter's T
- Anterior-inferior STEMI (Occlusion of a wraparound LAD)
- STE + Q over V1-6
± the high lateral leads (I and aVL)
Reciprocal @下壁
- Different types of anterior MI :
- Septal : V1-2
- Anterior : V2-5
- Anteroseptal : V1-4
- Anterolateral : V3-6, I + aVL
- Extensive anterior / anterolateral : V1-6, I + aVL
同時 ST elevation in the precordial and inferior leads
同時前壁 + 下壁梗塞
Due to occlusion of a variant“type III”LAD that wraps around the cardiac apex
to supply both the anterior and inferior walls of the left ventricle.
Extensive anterior MI : Tombstoning pattern
Massive ST elevation with tombstone morphology
present throughout the precordial and high lateral leads (I, aVL)
This pattern is seen in proximal LAD occlusion
and indicates a large territory infarction with a poor LV ejection fraction
and high likelihood of cardiogenic shock and death.
wraparound LAD : 前 + 下