目前分類:Ventilator (8)

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包括插管;非侵入性正壓通氣 (NIPV)
吸氣期:外界給予正壓 (Pawo>0) 大於肺泡壓,氣體流入肺部


給予非常高的通氣速率,加上低於正常的通氣 volume
HFPPV 高頻正壓通氣:每分鐘給 60-100
HFJV 高頻噴射通氣 (Jet ventilation):每分鐘 100~600
HFOV 高頻震盪通氣 (Oscillatory ventilation):可以使用到上千的速率

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Weaning (脫離呼吸器) 和 Extubation (拔管) 是兩件不同層面的事情
Weaning 是能夠不依賴呼吸器而呼吸, 拔管還需要多考慮呼吸道問題
所以能夠 Weaning 不代表就能夠順利 Extubation

Weaning 原則 : 越早越好, 不要低估了病人的能力
Prolonged weaning 顯著增加 ICU mortality rate
 * 一般拔管成功率約 70 %
 * 病人自拔成功率約 50 %
 * 30% of patients never satisfying objective readiness criteria can still be successfully weaned
 * GCS ≥ 8, better successful extubation rate ~ 80%


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Trouble shooting : Find the etiology

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  • Jun 30 Sun 2019 04:22
  • PEEP

We increase the oxygen levels in the blood by increasing two variables :
(1) the inspired concentration of oxygen (FiO2), and
(2) the pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration,
     known as positive end expiratory pressure or PEEP 吐氣末正壓
PEEP raises your baseline pressure from atmospheric pressure.
This increased pressure increases the partial pressure of Oxygen in the Alveoli.
PEEP also recruits additional alveoli to participate in gas exchange increasing your oxygenation capability.

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  • Feb 03 Sat 2018 20:10

Noninvasive mechanical Ventilation (NIV) 非侵入性呼吸器
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilators, NIPPV

(1) Strong recommendation

      - COPD AE with respiratory failure  (要合併酸)
      - Cardiogenic pulmonary edema with respiratory failure (要合併酸)


(2) Conditional recommendation

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