- Ventricular hypertrophy 應該還是以 STD strain pattern 為主

- Aneurysm : Persistent ST elevation 

Most commonly seen in the precordial leads.
Usually associated with well-formed Q- or QS waves.
主要就是病人沒症狀, 之前有 MI, 有深的長的很完整的 Q 
沒有 dynamic ST change 
要擔心 : 
   - Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death
      (myocardial scar tissue is arrhythmogenic).
   - Congestive cardiac failure.
   - Mural thrombus and subsequent embolisation.
- Pericarditis : Diffuse STE, Diffuse STD

- Acute MI
- Coronary spasm : Prinzmetal’s angina
- Pericarditis, HCM, Tokotsubo
- Ventricle Aneurysm, Cardiac contusion
- Early Repolarization
- Repolarization abnormally : LBBB, LVH, Hyper K, Brugada, Pacemaker rhythm
- aVR ST elevation : Left main, TVD, Proximal LAD,Diffuse subendocardial ischemia
- Aortic dissection
- Artifacts : Leads malpositioning, Electrical cardioversion
- PE : STE at V1 + Avr
  (PTX, Atelectasis and pulmonary metastases)
- SAH : IICP catecholamine effect on myocytes or spasm
- Pancreatitis, cholecystitis

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