There are 3 rhythms that are irregularly irregular :
1. Sinus arrhythmia : one P wave morphology and a stable PR interval

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  • 12 lead EKG + Vital sign + Conscious 
       (即使 SVT 也可能 低血壓, 低血氧)

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(1)   BP血壓 = resistance ( 阻力 ) x flow ( 血流量 )

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Acute VHD 要想到  IE, AMI complication, Dissection 這些原因 !

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Swan-Ganz 順流導管 (肺動脈導管) :

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  • Jan 30 Sat 2016 20:27
  • Shock

Shock : 低血壓 + 組織灌流不足 ( Blood supply < Tissue demand )

  1. Hypotension ( < 90 / 60 mmHg, or  40 mmHg decrease below baseline)

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  • PCT 原本留 Na & HCO3 :

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Indication :

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