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  • Fibrosis within the pleural space
  • Secondary to imflammatory response
  • 鈣化包圍起來形成 capsule, 裡面都是 organized tissue

* Cause : 

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  1. Infection : URI, Pneumonia, TB, Bronchiectasis
  2. COPD : Chronic bronchitis
  3. Cancer
  4. Bronchiectasis
  5. Post nasal drip
  6. GERD
  7. Asthma ( airway hypersensitivity )
  8. Drug : ACEI 


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Hemoptysis 是來自呼吸道的
Expectorated blood is bright red if the source is the upper airway or lungs

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- Common AFL (Anticlockwise Reentry, 90%) :
   leads II, III, aVF 呈現負向

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 Regular : 
  • Sinus tachycardia : 通常不是 heart 問題, 處理其他原因

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收縮期 : QRS 到 T 結束
舒張期 : T 結束 到 下一個 QRS 開始

( P 波 發生在 舒張期 )


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Left upper lung lingual lobe mass like lesion ( 貼著 heart )

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* D/D : 

  1.  Massive pleural effusion
  2.  Hemothorax
  3.  Collapse ( main bronchus obstruction )
  4.  很大的 Cancer
  5.  Pneumonectomy
  6.  Fibrothorax

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trachea right side deviation

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