Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 過敏性肺炎
Farmer's lung 農夫肺
- 屬於 type 3 +4 hypersensititivy
( immune complex + T cell mediated )
肺泡間質肉芽腫 + 纖維化
- Restrictive lung disease ( FVC 下降 )
病理特徵為 fibrosis, honey combing
農夫肺是因為吸入了一些發霉稻草裡的熱性放線菌(Thermophilic actinomycetes
引起肺部過敏反應,通常在吸入的 4–6 hours 小時之內會發生農夫肺的反應
若經常反覆性的接觸過敏,有可能會轉換成 亞急性 或 慢性
進入 subacute, chronic 就不可逆了 !!
- Acute : fever, chills, malaise,
cough, chest tightness, dyspnea, rash, swelling and headache
- Subacute : productive cough, dyspnea,
fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, and pleurisy
( 症狀比 acute 和緩 )
- Chronic : insidious onset of cough,
progressive dyspnea, fatigue, and weight loss
- Organic or inorganic particles
(microbes, animal or plant proteins, and certain chemicals)
要和 bronchial asthma 分清楚
asthma 是 type 1 過敏造成 Obstructive
* CASE :
72 y/o male
Cough, dyspnea on exertion for 3 month
poor appetite
BW loss
yellowish sputum
首先 r/o TB + infection
AFB stain + culture 都一直 (-)
Curam 治療無效
Atypical 檢驗全部 (-)
再次 Hx taking 發現病程是從換了木地板後開始不舒服
CXR 明顯 R Volumn reduction
minor fissure 揚起
trachea 右偏
bilater upper lung consolidation, peripheral dominant
因為合併 Volumn reduction
而且 lung marking crowding
代表是 consolidation + fibrotic change
CT 明顯 Honeycombing , Septal thickening