Resrtictive lung disease
Interstitial ling disease
* 間質纖維化, Honey combing
* 第一步先排除 :
CHF, infection ( 含 atypical, TB ), malignancy
* 不管什麼年紀發現 ILD 都要 survey HP, CTD, Drug, 塵肺
這些原因穩定占了 30%
* Unexplained exertional dyspnea, chronic dry cough, or Velcro-like crackles on examination
* Lung function test : FVC, TLC, DLco reduction
* IPF : nintedanib and pirfenidone
and strong recommendation against the use of prednisone + azathioprine + oral N -acetylcysteine
- PSS ( Scleroderma - > Progressive systemic sclerosis )
- Goodpasture : type 2 免疫攻擊肺腎
- Farmer's lung (Hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
Pneumoconiosis ( 1-5 微米 )
雙側 + 上肺 + 中線
- Anthracosis 碳 -上肺
- Silicosis 矽 -上肺
- Asbstosis 石綿 - 下肺
- Sarcoidosis : 雙側肺門彌勒佛耳朵
多器官 noncaseating grauloma
肺門淋巴結, 皮膚, 眼
bilateral symmetric hilar or/and paratracheal LAPs,
potato shape or 耳垂狀
臨床上依CXR的表現分成 4 個 stage :
Stage I : bilateral hilar LAPs
Stage II : bilateral LAPs + lung infiltrate
Stage III : Bilateral lung infiltrate without hilar LAPs
Stage IV : pulmonary fibrosis
- Wegener granulomatosis
- O2 !!
- Paraquat
- Chemotherapy ( bleomycin )
- Amiodarone
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF )
對稱 + 周邊 + 下肺
- UIP = IPF 的病理變化
Multiple nodule of bil upper lung over mid-clavicular zone
compatible with pneumoconiosis
pneumoconiosis 就是不喜歡 lower lung
即使攻佔到 lower lung
很常見 CP angle sparing
R diaphragm flatten, 不再像原本那麼 dome shape
正常 diaphragm 在 前5.6 rib, 後 9.10 rib
這張被壓到了第 12 rib
代表 hyperinfation
還有 L diaphragm tening
suspect upper lobe volume reduction
也代表 upper lung field pneumoconiosis + fibrotic change