Adnexal Masses: US Characterization and Reporting
with a few follicles around the periphery confirms the ovarian origin of the cyst
Corpus luteum
- Thick walled cyst with characteristic "ring of fire" peripheral vascularity.
usually has a crenulated inner margin and internal echoes, usually avascular centrally
The classical example is a unilocular cyst
with acoustic enhancement with diffuse homogeneous ground-glass echoes
as a result of the haemorrhagic debris. This appearance occurs in 50% of cases
Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst
- Graafian follicle ruptures 排卵後轉變成 corpus luteum
裡面血管很多造成 bleeding into the corpus luteum
- 形成血塊 Retracting clot 會 No flow
1. Fine reticular pattern : Most common,
multiple fine strands of fibrin giving a net-like appearanc
2. Retracting clot appearance :
The process of clot formation and subsequent retraction within the hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
results in a triangular and somewhat inhomogenous clot in a part of the cyst
with serous fluid occupying the remainder of the cyst.
Ring of fire sign
- Peripheral vascularity on colour or pulsed Doppler
- Corpus luteum cyst (more commonly)
Ectopic pregnancy