HTN on Call :
- Baseline BP ?
- Vital sign, Conscious ?
* Survey End organ damage :
- Retina - HTN Retinopathy : Visual
- Heart - MI, Dissection, Pulmonary edema : EKG, CXR
- Brain - Stroke, SAH : NE
- Kidney - HTN Nephropathy : BUN, Crea
- Placenta - Preeclampsia, HELLP
Suspect hypertensive encephalopathy when severe hypertension, severe headache +/- vomiting.
Symptoms progress to confusion and altered mental status.
Retinopathy, papilledema may be present, and seizures can occur.
confirmed by normal CT + cerebral function improvement with a decrease in BP
Treatment goal is diastolic BP between 100-105 within 2-6 hours. Don’t lower the BP > 20% in the first hour!
Excess of catecholamines lead to HTN crisis :
Pheochromocytoma, Sympathomimetic drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, PCP, and LSD)
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor therapy + tyramine-containing foods
Autonomic dysfunction due to spinal cord or severe head injury
- 有 End organ damage : HTN Emergency
Goal : rescue target organ damage is more important than BP itself
Decreasing MAP 20-25% + Keep DBP in 100-110 mmHg
Do not too fast or lowering to much, especially elderly or hypovolemic status
Medication control should be careful and step by step to
prevent ischemic stroke or coronary artery disease
IV 降壓 MAP 25% in 2 hrs
目標 DBP <110 within 2-6 hrs :
- Trandate ( Labetalol )
- Nicardipine
- Esmolol
- Nifedipine 舌下
Nifedipine膠囊咬破後, 藥物吸收比例非常的低, 幾乎可以說是"可忽略"的程度..
如果用吞服的, Nifedipine的作用起始時間很快, 約5~10分鐘, 最大作用約30~60分鐘, 效果達8小時..
早期研究顯示, 急速下降血壓後, 隨之而來的是腦部, 腎臟與心臟的缺血
對於老年或是原本器官功能就已經不好的病患, 更可能造成嚴重低血壓..
- Nirtoprusside
- Hydralazine
- 無 End organ damage : HTN Urgency ( SBP > 180 or DBP > 120 )
PO 降壓 : Norvasc, Catopril
目標 normal BP within days
(1) Esmolol:號稱作用最快的 beta blocker
Onset 2 分鐘, 但來的快去得也快, 大約10分鐘排除一半 (半衰期)
beta blocker 優點是劑量與反應曲線很好, 劑量上去, 血壓下來, 心跳變慢
缺點 : 氣喘, 心臟收縮功能不全 (例如收縮性心衰竭 HFrEF) 不太適合
(2) Labetalol:alpha + beta blocker
避免 Reflex tachycardia
心肌缺血時, 再讓心跳增加, 絕對雪上加霜
(3) Nicardipine:
最常用於 HTN crisis 的 CCB
快速降低血管阻力, 降低血壓
要注意的是, 如果病人已經因為心臟衰竭正在使用 beta blocker
儘量避免併用這兩種藥品, 可能會導致嚴重的低血壓
(4) Nitroprusside:絕對是降血壓藥品, 血管擴張劑界的王牌
作用快速, 效果超強
但因為結構的關係, 大量長期使用可能導致氰化物中毒 (cyanide toxicity)
不經酵素代謝就可以直接釋放"cyanide", 也可經由肝臟代謝為"thiocyanate"
氰化物中毒可能有:乳酸中毒 (lactic acidosis), 意識改變及嚴重低血壓
曾經使用 B12 (Hydroxocobalamin) 預防 nirtoprusside 引起的氰化物中毒
First line, fast onset and short duration, dosage can be adjusted by BP
High dose or hepatic or renal dysfunction over 2-3 days
check serum level of thiocyanate under 10 mg/dL, others 5-7 days check
If intoxication -> nitrites and thiosulfate, or HD
(5) Nitroglycerin IVD
If severe CAD or hepatic or renal dysfunction was indicated
Contraindication: suspect RV infarction or hypotension
不同原因造成的 HTN Emergency 有不同的首選 !
* New pt 如何開 HTN drug :
- > 160 : 2 class drug
- < 160 : 1 class drug
先從 A & C 開始選 ( 記得避開 Contraindication )
A : AKI, pregnancy
C : AV block