
( 這張圖左右相反 )


Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
- 檢查重點:
   ① 心臟收縮功能
   ②  RV, LV 大小
   ③ 有無 pericardial effusion
- M mode:
  ① 檢查 cardiac wall 的收縮
  ② 測量  IVC 大小
- 臨床應用:
  ① 鑑別診斷休克的原因  
  ② 決定是否需要灌水
- Hypovolemia:
  ① Empty heart : kissing LV wall
  ② Flat IVC : IVC collapses >50% during the respiratory cycle
- Pulmonary embolism :
   RV enlargement, Paradoxic septal movement
   D-Shape : LV collapse
- Cardiac tamponade : pericardial effusion + right heart collapse
- Lung Ultrasound : A line, B line
- Interstitial lung edema : lung rockets, B+ lines
- Pneumothorax : stratosphere sign (B line 可排除此診斷)






主要評估 Pericardial effusion
看 wall motion
靠近 heart 的是 RV


後面有時可以看到 descending aorta
descending aorta 橫線往上的積水是 pericardial effusion
descending aorta 橫線往下是 pleural effusion
Mitral valve 打開的時候有沒有 RV collapse
這個view 可以評估 mitral regurgitaion
aortic dissection 就看這個 view
評估 Aortic root 有沒有寬 > 3.8 cm + AR

585.pngAcute Aortic syndrome : Please mind the length of “Ascending Aorta” as  well. | Dr.S.Venkatesan MD


1.  判斷心臟有沒有在動, 尤其是摸不到脈搏時
2.  心包膜積液
3.  目測心臟整體收縮, 要客觀可以參考EPSS或LV的shortening fraction
4.  降主動脈(DA)可以當作參考點來區分是心包膜積液或肋膜積液
5.  主動脈根部的直徑可以用來看是否有明顯的擴大


往最下面的角度切到 papilary muscle  ( 4+7 o'clock )

這個角度可以看到 RA - Tricuspid - RV - PA  整個路徑畫半圈
Aortic valve 後面則是 LA


若病人明顯 pHTN
就可以看到 Pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary trunk 左邊和上方應該都是 RV
RV 其實是 U 型 !!
這個角度會切到 U 的兩邊所以看起來像是兩個 Chamber 
但其實都是 RV




Apical four 看 pericardial effusion, wall motion




Apical 5 Chamber View TEE | Cardiac sonography, Diagnostic medical  sonography student, Diagnostic medical sonography

To view the left ventricular outflow tract and aortic valve,
the probe is angled so the ultrasound beam is directed superiorly (white, broken arrow).
From the Apical 4 Chamber view, slightly tilt the tail of your probe towards the patient’s feet to get the Apical 5 chamber view.
If you want to go back to the Apical 4 chamber view just tilt the probe tail back towards the patient’s head.
Often the difference between the two views is just a 5-10 degree tilt!
其實基本上就是把 A4C view 角度探頭往上翹去看 aorta

22 Apical four-chamber view obtained in a supine patient. The probe is positioned at the apex of the heart, with the green indicator pointing toward the left axilla of the patient (left panel, arrow). To view the left ventricular outflow tract and aortic valve, the probe is angled so the ultrasound beam is directed superiorly (white, broken arrow). The two-dimensional apical four-chamber view depicts the two ventricles and atria (upper right panel), while the apical five-chamber view also includes the left ventricular outflow tract and aortic valve (lower right panel). Abbreviations: LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; Ao, aortic valve; i, interventricular septum; ii, lateral wall; iii, apex; iv, interatrial septum (modified from FEEL-UK with permission)


Apical 2 就是把 A4C 探頭逆時針旋轉 - 垂直切左心

Shock 病人評估身體 fluid 多寡 
看 hepatic v 進去 IVC 的地方 or 進 RA 前 2.1 cm 


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