Affects up to 50% of sepsis survivors
PSS is not just a change in cognitive function.
They are left with physical and/or psychological long-term effects, such as :
- Insomnia, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep
- Nightmares, vivid hallucinations and panic attacks
- Disabling muscle and joint pains
- Extreme fatigue
- Poor concentration
- Decreased mental (cognitive) functioning
- Loss of self-esteem and self-belief
Higher risk in : older severe sepsis survivors, ICU
Mangement :
counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy or neuropsychiatric assessment
or for physical support such as physical therapy or neurorehabilitation.
Post-ICU syndrome (PICS) : ICU delirium
= 總之就是 Sepsis 不只是 treat infection, 後續還有很多 long term complications