Lidocaine HCl 2% 20ml : 1mL 有 20mg Lidocaine HCl
一般成人每次施打不可超過 4.5mg/kg
70公斤的成人大約可以忍受 300mg 出頭 (也就是 2%麻藥約 15ml 的劑量 -- 不能打完一整瓶 !!! )
偏偏一罐麻藥是 20毫升
最常見的中毒症狀是 頭暈 無力噁心 想吐
再嚴重一點可以出現 :
- 舌頭麻木, 口齒不清 (Circumoral Paresthesias, Dysarthria)
- Tinnitus
- 雙眼複視
- 意識模糊 Confusion, Seizures, Coma
- 心律不整, 心臟停止
Sodium channel blockade occurs in the heart or brain
→ 能夠讓血管收縮, 減少出血, 延長藥物的作用
→ 但記得不能打在肢端 ! 會 Limb ischemia !
Potency 越強(脂溶性越好), protein-binding 親合度越高, 越容易有全身毒性
bupivacaine with its high lipid solubility
局部麻醉藥的副作用 :
- 過敏 : ester 類分解後產生PABA, 發生過敏的機會較高
- 局部毒性反應 : 短暫的神經症狀
- 全身毒性反應 : 藥物不小心注入血管造成
* 先產生金屬異味 : 頭暈, 耳鳴, 嘴唇麻
* 接著出現肌肉小抽動 (Muscle twiching) → 全身抽搐 Seizure
* 甚至導致意識喪失, 昏迷, 呼吸抑制
* 最後甚至導致心血管毒性 → 心肌收縮力 ↓ 周邊血管擴張低血壓 → 難治
局部麻醉藥在低劑量血管緊縮, 高劑量則血管擴張
只有Cocaine在各劑量下, 皆能讓血管收縮 !
- 治療 :
Supportive care (Stabilize Vital signs)
給予抗癲癇藥物 Seizures due to neurologic toxicity should be treated with benzodiazepines
給 lipid (和脂溶性的局麻藥結合, 藉此清掉)
20% lipid emulsion 1.5 mL/kg infused over 1 minute
followed by an infusion at 0.25 mL/kg based on lean body mass
continued for 10 minutes after hemodynamic stability occurs.
If hemodynamic instability persists, repeat boluses can be administered with the recommended
maximum dose of approximately 10 mL/kg over the initial 30 minutes.
Cardiac arrest : small doses of epinephrine, 10 - 100 micrograms, are preferred instead of the standard adult dose of 1 mg,
and vasopressin (for use as a vasopressor) and lidocaine (for use as an antiarrhythmic) should be avoided.
同理也不要用其他 class I 的藥物 (都是 sodium channel blocker)
應該選 amiodarone
One easy way to give Lipid emulsion therapy :
Give first 100mL of a 500mL bag of lipid emulsion as an IV bolus,
and then give the remaining 400mL over 30 minutes.
可以嘗試靜注 lipid emulsion