Step 1 - Send Lots of Labs
- Serum-electrolytes
- LFTs
- osmolality
- uric acid (if on diuretics)
- TSH and cortisol as well (if you have any suspicion of an endocrine cause)
- Urine - UA, urine lytes, urine urea, urine uric acid (if on diuretics)
urine osm, urine creatinine
Step II -Treat CNS dysfunction
If the patient is altered, comatose, seizing, or has neurologic findings
then raise the sodium by a little bit
Give 3% saline, 100 ml over 10-60 minutes
(2 cc/kg up to a max of 100 cc)
10 minutes later, may repeat X 1
may be given peripherally through any reasonable IV
each 100 ml will raise sodium by ~2 mmol/l
Actue 可以上升 2 ~ 3 mEq/hr (ㄧ開始 2-3 hr) 直到 symptoms releif
不過我看醫生為了安全都是少少給慢慢校正 ~
How to treat seizures caused by hypo-Na ?
Step III - Hang tight
Do not feel the need to do anything else, just fluid restrict the patient
- Place a foley
- Do not feel tempted to give NS
- Do not be clever, just fluid restrict and admit.
- Patients are at a fall risk with hyponatremia
- Get a CT scan if they are still a little wacky
- Remember the rules of 6' s (from the Stern article below)
Be incredibly careful when correcting hypokalemia, potassium repletion will raise the Na !
這句無法參透 XD 以下也都看不懂 XD
Step IV - What to do when you couldn' t follow step III
- dDAVP 1-2 mcg IV or SubQ x 1
- Consult renal
- Consider D5W 6ml/kg over 1 hour
in consultation with renal if you have really screwed up
Additional Info :
Drugs - Thiazides, SSRI, Sufonylureas, Opioids
1 liter of saline will allow a solute - low hyponatremia to make 6 L of urine
- SIADH - need to get rid of a 600 mmol salt load/day. Can fluid restrict to 900 ml (400 insensible).
SIADH 尿太濃, 給 NS 只會越給鈉越低
不想給 3% Saline 就靠限水, 吃鹽, 吃高蛋白