Posterior MI criteria :
- Horizontal STD in V2-3
- Tall, broad R waves (> 30ms) in V2-3
- Dominant R wave (R/S ratio > 1) in V2
- Upright terminal portions of the T waves in V2-3
V2 Horizontal STD
* 即是後壁的 Reciprocal change :
- ST elevation -> ST depression
- Q waves -> R waves
- Terminal T-wave inversion -> an upright T wave
- Posterior infarction accompanies 15-20% of STEMIs
- Usually occurring in the context of an inferior or lateral infarction.
- Isolated posterior MI is less common (3-11% of infarcts)
The degree of ST elevation seen in V7-9 is typically modest
– note that only 0.5mm of ST elevation is required
to make the diagnosis of posterior MI!