間質性膀胱炎 Interstitial cystitis ( IC ), bladder pain syndrome
Symptoms :
恥骨上膀胱區脹尿痛 pain associated with the bladder
Dysuria, Urinary frequency, Urgency
pressure in the bladder or pelvis during the day and night lasting more than 3 months
Pathophysiology :
- Anxiety and stress theory
- Genes theory
- Autoimmune theory
- Leaky Bladder Lining theory
- Mast cells theory
- Nerve damage theory
is essentially based on symptoms and exclusion of other painful bladder conditions
先 U/A 排除 infection, 並且排除 tumor, stone, overactive bladder....
( Exclusion of any identifiable infection, disease or disorder )
Cystoscopy :
glomerulations, mucosal ulcers ( Hunner's lesion)
petechial hemorrhage
Urodynamics : poorly compliant bladder
Urinary biomarkers : Nitric oxide