* GCS :
- 輕度 (GCS 13~15)
- 中度 (GCS 9~12)
- 重度 (GCS 8分以下)
→ 重度頭部創傷需給予插管;中度創傷可考慮給預防性癲癇用藥
原發性:當下contussion (coup, counter coup), axonal injury
次發性:受傷後, 出血, 高腦壓, 細胞分子機轉等造成
- 熊貓眼 (Raccoon eye)
- 鼻子流CSF (驗beta-2 transferrin)
- 耳後乳突瘀青 (Battle's sign)
Injury mechanism : 先中風失去意識才撞到 ?
ILOC : initial lose of conscious
Nausea, vomiting : 有 vomting 真的就擔心 IICP
Retrograde amnesia
Neck tenderness, limited ROM
PE : muscle power, sensory level
先 r/o C spine injury, 一定要做 Meningeal sign r/o SAH
NE findings : Cranial nerves, FNF, Gait …
傷後重點觀察 72 hr
* 頭部外傷病人氣管插管的時機
1. 病患昏迷無法保護呼吸道
2. GCS ≤ 8
3. 嚴重顏面骨骨折
4. 需要使用肌肉鬆弛劑
Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Nurosurgery 2017
- Prophylactic hypothermia :
Early (within 2.5 h), short-term (48 h post-injury), prophylactic hypothermia
is not recommended to improve outcomes in patients with diffuse injury.
- Hyperosmolar therapy :
Mannitol is effective for control of raised ICP
at doses of 0.25 to 1 g/kg.
SBP <90 mmHg should be avoided.
- CSF drainage :
Use of CSF drainage to lower ICP in patients
with an initial GCS <6 during the first 12h after injury may be considered.
- Ventilation therapies :
Prolonged prophylactic hyperventilation with PaCO2 of ≤25 mm Hg
is not recommended.
Hyperventilation is recommended as a temporizing measure
for the reduction of elevated ICP.
- Steroids : not recommended for improving outcome or reducing ICP
- Seizure prophylaxis :
只對預防早期 seizure 有幫助, 對 delayed seizure, outcome 皆無差別
guideline 建議 phenytoin, 預防性用 Depakine 不錯 ( loading 20 mg/kg iv )
- BP :
50 to 69 y/o : SBP at ≥100 mmHg
15 to 49 or >70 years y/o : SBP at ≥110 mmHg
- ICP :
Treating ICP >22 mmHg
- CPP :
The recommended target CPP is between 60 and 70 mmHg
三總套餐 for TBI : Vit K,C, Transamin, PPIs, AEDs