* COPD lung Emphysema 典型 EKG 變化 :
- P 軸右移, 平 or 倒 P waves in leads I and aVL
- 高 P ( RAE ) over inferior leads
- QRS 軸右移變成 +90 degrees (vertical axis)
- Low voltage QRS complexes, especially V4-6 ( 因為氣多 )
- Exaggerated atrial depolarisation causing PR and ST segments
that “sag” below the TP baseline.
- Clockwise rotation of the heart with delayed R/S transition point in the precordial leads
+/- persistent S wave in V6.
There may be complete absence of R waves in leads V1-3
the“SV1-SV2-SV3” pattern !!!
整個 hyperinflation lung 導致 心臟被拉成垂直
The vertical axis (+90 degrees) is due to hyperinflation of the lungs
causing vertical orientation of the heart.
因為垂直, 所以 QRS axis 變成 +90度
而且 the heart undergoes clockwise rotation in the transverse plane,
with movement of the right ventricle anteriorly and displacement of the left ventricle posteriorly.
右心轉到前面, 左心轉到後面
所以在 precordial lead 前壁導極 QRS 都是負波
Absent R waves in the right precordial leads --> SV1-SV2-SV3 pattern
上面的 EKG 只有 P pulmonale
但 RVH 變化還不那麼明顯
應該說他即使有 RVH 也比不上 COPD lung 讓 heart 變垂直 + 旋轉的影響
一直認為 COPD --> RVH --> V1-V3 大R 小S
Acute Pulmonary embolism
會有 RV strain ( T inv over V1-V3 )
會有 RV dilatation 所以也可以看到 V1-V3 大R 小S
其他 造成 RVH 的原因
Pulmonary hypertension, Pulmonic regurgitation
先天性的 TOF....
這些都不會有 COPD 那樣 hyperinflation 讓心臟軸向改變的問題
所以這些病應該就會有典型 RVH 變化