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- Mycoplasma 標準的常見年紀是學齡兒童 > 5 y/o
  但在台灣 1.2 歲就可能
  黴漿菌感染在一年四季都可能發生, 夏秋之際最容易
  Fever + cough 為主, 很會咳
  也較多肺外症狀 ( GI, Aseptic meningitis, rash, arthralgia )
  CXR 表現很 Variation 能 infiltration 也能 patch
  可能導致任何程度的呼吸道症狀, 感染可以從毫無症狀
  到上呼吸道感染, 咽炎, 肺炎甚至全身其他器官的感染

  病童剛開始會感覺到全身疲倦無力, 頭痛, 咽喉痛及輕微發燒
  接著2-4天會出現乾咳, 年齡越小的病童症狀越輕微
  反而是年齡較大的學齡兒童或是青少年, 症狀較明顯且嚴重

  驗 Mycoplasam IgM
  給 Zithromax QD 3 day

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PAT : Pediatric Assessment Triangle
ABC + Vital signs

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* 正常 CSF :  
   - Pressure : 12~20 cmH2O

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- 視覺 :Diplopia, 視力減退 Visual acuity decrease, 眼球下陷 Enophthalmos, 視野減少 Visual field defect
              EOM limitation, Ptosis, 下眼瞼外翻 Ectropion, 溢淚 Eepiphora

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Animal bite wounds = oral flora of the animal = human skin flora
(Staphylococci + Streptococci)

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* Infection rate of plantar puncture wounds : 6% - 11%
* Infected plantar puncture wounds finds foreign body in 25% of patients.

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Salt water drowning : 
Hypertonicity of salt water leads to pulmonary edema and hypertonic serum

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