Bronchopneumonia 支氣管肺炎
Bronchitis 支氣管炎
呼吸不順, 呼吸時 wheezing
Bronchiolitis 細支氣管炎
- Inflammation of the bronchioles
- 4M - 2 y/o ( 是 < 2 y/o 的診斷 )
- Virus : RSV, Human metapneumovirus,
adenovirus, influenza, rhinovirus, Parainfluenza viruses
- Wheezing + Crackles, RSV 也可以高燒, 痰超多
- CXR : hyperinflation, peribronchial atelectasis
- Ribavirin 可治療
- Apneic episodes
Bronchiolitis is a clinical diagnosis based on the findings of the history and physical examination,
which include typical symptoms of rhinorrhea, tachypnea, crackles, and/or wheezing in a child <2 years of age.
Bronchiolitis is the most frequent cause of wheezing in infants,
and asthma is the most frerequent cause in children and adolescents.
< 1 y : bronchiolitis more common
1–2 y : mixed
> 2 y : asthma more common
Recurrent and episodic pattern, history of cough, association with triggers,
and documented response to bronchodilators are highly suggestive of asthma in a child > 2 years old.
An exposure to sick contacts during a viral season, nasal congestion,
poor feeding, and age <1 year suggest bronchiolitis.
Choking or gagging indicates possible foreign body aspiration.