* Tremor :
身體不自主的, 有節律的震盪運動 ( rhythmic and oscillatory movement )
Relatively constant frequency and variable amplitude
- Resting tremor :
身體完全放鬆, 且身體有被完全支撐住 ( fully supported ) 時出現 tremor
主動收縮肌肉會抑制 tremor
最常見就是 Parkinsonism
- Posture tremor :
抵抗重力維持姿勢時出現 tremor
( Occurs in an attempt to hold a body part motionless against the force of gravity )
- Kinetic tremor :
自主動作時出現, EX : 拿東西
- Intention tremor :
特別指接近目標物體時出現 ( Finger nose test )
最常見是小腦中腦問題, 多發性硬化
- Isometric tremor :
固定姿勢的肌肉收縮對抗外力時出現 ( 手推牆, 握拳 )
( muscle contraction against a rigid stationary object )
* Physiologic tremor 生理性顫抖 :
- 最常見的 action tremor
是正常生理現象, 平時應該不會被發現
會被某些因素刺激而加強 - 低幅度高頻率
- Drug : beta agonist, SSRI, Theophylline, Caffeine
- Emotion, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroid, fever
hypothermia, substance withdraw
* Essential tremor 本態性顫抖 :
- 最常見的病態性 Action tremor
- 有家族史 : Familial ET
無家族史 : Benign ET
- 對稱性上肢,頭部, 下肢, 聲音
- 型態很多變 :
可以是低振幅高頻的 postural tremor
也可以振幅更大 action or resting tremor
- 診斷需要排除 PD
- 特色是酒精可抑制
* PD :
- Resting tremor
- 典型是不對稱從單一肢體先開始
Fine movement 小動作, pill rolling 搓藥丸 - 和 ET 需要做鑑別診斷
PD 很少有頭部顫抖
Micrographia 寫字越來越小也是 PD 的特色 !!
* Wilson's disease :
- 銅代謝異常, 堆積在腦部
- Serum 銅 上升
Ceruloplasmin 下降
Abnormal liver function
- KF ring
- 智能減退, 人格異常, 顫抖
- Wing beating tremor 翅膀撲動
* Cerebellar tremor :
- Postural, intention, or action tremor
Ataxia, dysmetria
Cerebellar stroke, tumor, Multiple sclerosis
Finger nose, heel shin
* Orthostatic tremor ( 站立, 姿態性 ) :
- 只限於下肢和軀幹, 只在站立時發生
- Postural tremor in the torso and lower limbs while standing; may also occur in the upper limbs.
- Suppressed by walking
- Tremor is high frequency (14 to 18 Hz) and synchronous among ipsilateral and contralateral muscles.
* Rubral or midbrain tremor :
- Mixture of rest, postural, and intention tremor with frequency of 2 to 5 Hz.
- Always associated with signs of brainstem or cerebellar damage.
當 Tremor 合併兩種 component 時, 就要想到 rubral tremor
file:///C:/Users/%E6%98%B1%E5%90%9B/Downloads/02-280503.pdf ( 顫抖症的分類與治療 )