Midazolam (1).png

Midazolam (4).png

Midazolam (5).png

Midazolam (6).png

Midazolam (7).png

臨床上很常用的藥物 -- Midazolam : Dormicum 5mg/1mL/amp
在眾多 BZD 中
Midazolam 屬於Rapid onset, short duration
duration 各家說法不同, 從 30 分鐘到 2 小時都有
Tintinalli average Effective Action 為 30 - 80 mins

另外 BZDs 皆由肝代謝
只有 Lorazepam 較特別, 不透過cytochrome P450
所以使用BZDs 在肝功能異常病人上需注意



Procedural sedation recommended IV Dose:
Weight-based: 0.1 mg/kg and 0.05 mg/kg in elderly
or 1 - 2.5 mg ; 0.5 mg in elderly

If elderly, underweight or comorbid conditions :
lower initial doses of 0.5 - 1.5 mg
repeat doses should not exceed 1 mg
and more time should be allowed between repeat doses (3 - 5 minutes)
Total doses in these patient populations typically do not exceed 3.5 mg.

IM midazolam was determined to be as safe and effective as IV lorazepam.
However, IV lorazepam is still considered

the initial agent of choice if IV access is available.

The goal of treatment is seizure control as soon as possible

and within 30 minutes of presentation

若已經到了Refractory status epilepticus
也是 continuous midazolam Infusions 登場的時候了

Refractory status epilepticus is defined as persistent seizure activity
despite the IV administration of adequate amounts of two antiepileptic agents and usually exceeds 60 minutes

    創作者 deanguy1205 的頭像

    醫學筆記匯整 ED Notes

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