is the only sedative agent that typically preserves ventilation
and has minimal effect on blood pressure.
and has minimal effect on blood pressure.
No clear evidence that ketamine is harmful
as an induction or sedation agent in patients with potential head injury.
as an induction or sedation agent in patients with potential head injury.
臨床 Ketamine 重要的副作用包含:
A - Airway: laryngospasm, airway obstruction
B - Breathing: Apnea, respiratory depression or hypoventilation
C - Circulation: cardiovascular
D - Disability: Acute Emergence Reaction or Recovery Reaction
E - Emesis
F - Others
Adverse effect :
- Hypersalivation and bronchorrhea, laryngospasm
- Vomiting
- Emergence reactions
(mild agitation to recurrent nightmares and hallucinations)
- Avoid in psychotic or schizophrenic patients
- However, ketamine can cause transient apnea (approximately 20 seconds),
particularly when administered rapidly IV.
- Increased muscle tone, clonus, or the rare case of sudden muscle rigidity,
which can be alleviated with midazolam
which can be alleviated with midazolam
- Hypersympathetic state, leading to hypertension and an increase in intraocular pressure
Smaller doses of ketamine cause analgesia and disorientation.
Dissociation occurs when a dosage threshold of 1 - 1.5 mg/kg IV in adult patients.
Higher doses have not been shown to enhance or deepen the sedation.