Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia ( PVT )
- A form of VT
- Multiple ventricular foci : QRS varying in amplitude, axis and duration.
- The commonest cause of PVT is myocardial ischaemia.
Torsades de pointes (TdP)
- Wide irregular, Polymorphic VT 的一種, QT prolongation
- TdP is often short lived and self terminating,
with hemodynamic instability, may also degenerate into ventricular fibrillation (VF)
TdP with HR > 220 are of longer duration and more likely to degenerate into VF.
- initiated when a PVC occurs during the preceeding T wave,
known as R on T phenomenon
- Dysrhythmia can leads to syncope or seizure like activity 就像常聽到 VT/Vf 被當成 Seizure
- 電 : 非同步去顫 200J
- 藥物 !! MgSO4 1-2g in 10cc D5W IV in 2 mins
MgSO4 也可用在低血鎂導致的頑固 VF
- Magnesium, isoprenaline, overdrive pacing
- 校正後 QT間距
男生 > 450 ms, 女生 > 470 ms
稱為 QT-prolongation
VT 分為單型性 (mono-) 與多型性 (poly-)
- 單型性多因為心肌缺血, 例如心肌梗塞
- 多型性多因為使用延長QT段藥品, 電解質異常 ( 低鉀鈣鎂 )
(1) 停止使用可能延長QT的藥物, 並矯正鉀離子 (4~4.5 mEq/L) 與鎂離子
(2) 使用 Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) 1~2 g/10 ml D5W 靜脈推注
低血鎂補鎂病人, 請至少緩慢滴注6個小時以上!
(3) Isoproterenol 2~10 mcg/min IVF 使心跳 > 90 bpm
乙型受體作用劑, 可以加速心跳, 使QT間距縮短
附註:新版ACLS中, isoproterenol 僅用於沒有體外節律器時, 有症狀的心搏徐緩,
對鎂離子治療無效的TdP, 還有乙型阻斷劑中毒
(4) Overdrive pacing : 利用節律器"強制"加快心跳速率
將心跳設定在 90~110 之間