
包括插管;非侵入性正壓通氣 (NIPV)
吸氣期:外界給予正壓 (Pawo>0) 大於肺泡壓,氣體流入肺部


給予非常高的通氣速率,加上低於正常的通氣 volume
HFPPV 高頻正壓通氣:每分鐘給 60-100
HFJV 高頻噴射通氣 (Jet ventilation):每分鐘 100~600
HFOV 高頻震盪通氣 (Oscillatory ventilation):可以使用到上千的速率

5 min ventilation : http://5minvent.com/
Assist Control = A/C = CMV
The set tidal volume and rate are minimums that the patient will get regardless of whether or not they breath.
If the patient breaths at a rate above the set rate, every additional breath is also guaranteed the set tidal volume.
病人可以呼吸超過呼吸器給的 RR, Tidal volume
呼吸器是保證至少有設定的 RR, Tidal volume

If you set the RR=12bpm and Vt=400cc (6cc/kg IBW) then every 5 seconds your patient will get a volume controlled breath at 400cc. If the patient is awake and triggering’s a breath faster than 12bpm, then these breaths will be volume-assisted breaths at 400cc. If your PIP is elevated remember to check your patients PPlat to ensure its less than 30cmH20.

(Pressure Assist Control 只是 Tidal volume 換成 Pressure, 運作概念相同)
Pressure Support (PS) = Spontaneous Mode; CPAP with Pressure Support
For Spontaneous breathing patient
設定 PEEP, FiO2, Pressure support
The ventilation detects the patient starting a respiration and increases the pressure according to the pressure support.
The ventilator senses when the patient's inspiratory flow has slowed indication that the patient is finished with the respiration. At this time, the vent drops the pressure back down to the set PEEP.
The patient determines their own respiratory rate, Tidal volume.
If the patient does not breathe, no breath will be given.
If your patient does not breathe for a set amount of time, usually 20 seconds,
the vent will go into a backup mode called apnea ventilation.
Mandatory breaths will be given at regular intervals. It will stay in this backup mode until the alarm is reset.

Patient triggered the ventilator will give you some support, but not full support like an assisted breath.

在使用Pressure Control時, 每一口氣的吸氣期長度是設定的
PS 時就不一樣
每當病人有吸氣的啟始動作時, 呼吸氣就會開始出力給氣, 一方面機器也會監測病人吸氣的氣流流速
當這一口氣的吸氣氣流流速已經下降到這一口氣的最大流速的25%時, 機器就停止出力
所以病人如果不出力參與呼吸, 吸氣流速勢必很快下降到最大流速的25%, 機器在這一口氣所出的力就會很短

PS differs from a pressure assist-control breath where the set pressure is delivered for a set time (inspiratory time).

SIMV 同步間歇強迫式呼吸
類似 A/C+S.B
允許病人在兩次機器給氣間自行呼吸, 自行呼吸靠 Pressure support
Set 5 variables : PEEP, FiO2, Respiratory rate, Tidal volume, Pressure support
Ex. RR:=12 and the Vt=400cc
Every 5 seconds your patient will get a volume controlled breath at 400cc per breath if your patient
does not have an adequate respiratory drive or a volume assisted breath if they are able to trigger

If your patient wants to breath in between those 5 seconds,
then this breath will be a supported breath with pressure support.

呼吸器的控制:VC, PC
(1) Volume control
      控制每次打的容積, 壓力則相對應改變 → 最常使用
      好處:可以控制每次打出去的容積, 但壓力則不一定
      在呼吸道阻力大的患者上, 打出去的壓力可能會太高, 增加 barotrauma 風險
      要設定 Pressure limiting 避免壓力過大

(2) Pressure control
      控制每次打的壓力, 容積則相對應改變
      可以控制每次打出去的壓力, 所以可以避免 barotrauma 發生
      也能設定好適當的壓力來應對 Resistance → 主要用在 ARDS
      控制壓力卻沒辦法確保容積 → 如果阻力太大可能容積會不足

(3) Time control
      少用 → 高頻 jet ventilator;oscillation 等等


呼吸器的引動 → 是哪個因子決定呼吸器的動作?
  - 時間:時間一到,就開始進行換氣
  - 病人
    感應到病人引動的壓力/流速變化 → 呼吸器進行換氣
    需要設定靈敏度,設定適當的 threshold

呼吸的終止→ 是哪個因子決定呼吸循環的結束
  - 容積循環控制:打完設定的容積, 一個循環結束 (VC mode)
  - 時間循環控制:預設的時間結束後, 一個循環結束 (PC mode)
  - 流速循環控制:流速下降到某個值後, 一個循環結束


 (1) CMV:Continuous mandatory ventilation:持續強制通氣
      持續給予正壓的呼吸, 依照引動方式可以分成兩大類
      Time trigger:固定時間持續給予正壓的呼吸
      Patient trigger:病人誘發的呼吸, 也就是所謂的 A/C (assist/control) mode

 (2) IPPV:Intermittent positive pressure ventilation:間歇正壓通氣
      兩個正壓通氣時間隔較長, 能夠 訓練病人的呼吸
      IMV:Intermittent mandatory ventilation:固定時間間隔給予呼吸
      SIMV:Synchronized IMV:配合病人的呼吸提高同步性, 減少 Fighting



依據啟動的因子:Time trigger/ Patient trigger
依據通氣的模式:CMV (C, A/C);IPPV (IMV, SIMV)




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