在急診用 NLCR 作為預測菌血症指標, 比 PCT 前降鈣素更佳
NLCR : Neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio
An elevated NLCR has been shown to correlate to bacteremia at a cutoff level of >10
NEWS score for risk of deterioration, predict mortality or transfered to ICU
NEWS was more accurate that both SIRS and qSOFA
for the early recognition of septic shock
qSOFA had the lowest sensitivity and only moderate specificity
while SIRS had poor specificity.
Lactate is useful to help identify occult septic shock
but it is very nonspecific and there are many false positives
including any type of shock, liver failure, seizures,
Type B Lactic Acidosis from many drugs including Ventolin/albuterol
Type B Lactic Acidosis from many drugs including Ventolin/albuterol

以 7 分為 Cut point
最新 meta 似乎 Sensitivity ok
但 Specificity 不那麼好
現有新的 NEWS2 score, 尚無足夠 Evidence
SKEM 2017高峰會 戰勝敗血症準則沒講的五個另類戰技