- Fever + abd pain 絕對都要 r/o appen
- 兒童常以 abdominal pain 表現Myocarditis 在學齡前
- 新生兒常見 GI obstruction :
Esophageal atresia, Duodenal atresia, megacolon,
meconium lieus, volvulus, intussuception
- HPS : 出生後 3W 內 ( 2-8 W), 噴射無膽汁嘔吐
- Duodenal atresia : 一出生就有膽汁嘔吐
- NEC : 1M內, 早產兒 LBW,
餵食後有症狀 + Pneumatosis intestinalis, portal vein gas, OB+
- Malrotation + midgut volvulus :
通常是一個月內, 脹 + 痛 + 膽汁性嘔吐
- 40 % in first week
- 50 % in first month
- 80 % in first year
- intussuception : 3M - 2y/o ( 通常在兩歲前 )
intermitten 絞痛嘔吐, jelly stool
Echo : target, dougnut, pseudokidney sign
LGI or N/S Enema
75 % 為 idiopathic,
其他有 lead point 可能是 淋巴組織增生, meckel, 息肉 ....
- Meckel diverticulum : rule of 2
兩歲前 無痛血便
- AGE :
小孩多 Rota
大人多 Noro
問 TOCC 也要問有沒有可能是大人傳染給小孩的
小兒止瀉絕對只用緩瀉劑 semecta
絕對不會用 Imodium ( Loperamide )
1. Toxin 不排出去
2. Salmonella 這種有傷到 mucosa 甚至會破
小兒血便 by Age :
Vomiting in infants :
not always GERD. Rule out pyloric stenosis, malrotation, ileus from sepsis, and shaken baby syndrome.
- Forceful projectile vomiting, hungry and fail to gain weight :
Consider pyloric stenosis
- Greenish vomiting :
Consider malrotation, sepsis ( ileus )
- Vomiting not related feeding + irritable
Consider IICP ( Child abuse )