- Steven Johnson Syndrome
- Toxic Epidermal Necrosis
10 ~ 30 % 叫做 SJS-TEN overlap
* 現在不太提 EM major, EM 和 SJS/TEN 被認為是兩種疾病
不需要強行要區分兩者, 反正都還是要停藥
SJS/TEN 的 epidermis 要分離, 會很痛
以癢為主要表現的比較不用擔心, 會往 EM major 想
- Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity
- Allopurinol : HLA-B 5801
- Carbamazepine and phenytoin induced SJS
is strongly associated with HLA-B 1502
- Typically involves skin and mucous membranes
皮膚廣泛性脫落壞死 + 黏膜糜爛等不良反應
- 臨床特徵包括了特有的皮疹和黏膜侵犯
皮疹 為典型的圓環狀 Target lesion
黏膜則有兩處以上之侵犯 ( 口, 鼻, 眼, 生殖器, 肛門 )
會嚴重波及身體許多器官如:肺, 肝, 腎, 腸胃, 血液系統時
造成體液喪失, 體溫調節失調, 代謝率增加
* Clinical Course :
- Typical prodromal symptoms 類流感前驅症狀 :
Fever (大多>39C) and influenza like symptoms 最早出現
在疹子發生前 1~3 天
- Mild fever, Headache
- Productive Cough, Sore throat
- Malaise
- Arthralgia
- Pruritis
- Red eyes, Photophobia and conjunctival itching or burning, and pain on swallowing
( 早期 mucosal involvement 的症狀 )
- Rash ( Pain + Burning )
symmetrically on face and the upper part of the trunk
皮膚紅疹一開始常常是刺痛, 灼熱的皮膚發疹
一開始的皮膚病灶只是境界不鮮明的紅斑, 伴有中央的紫黑色斑
每個病灶中央部位則呈現壞死潰爛的情形, 稱做標靶樣病灶
呈現出 :
Erythema multiforme ( Target lesion )
Maculo-papular ( Erythema morbilliform )
- Erosion of mucus membrane ( > 2 sites )
- 最後進展到很多 Epidermal detachment ( 跟嚴重傷燒一樣 )
可能有許多 blister
Skin involement 區域只要有 detachment 都算在面積裡
- Oral ulcer 很痛無法進食
- Conjunctivitis when with eye involvement
- Esophageal strictures ( GI mucosa )
- 續發 Infection
- 造成 Volume loss (hypovolemic), Electrolyte imbalance
- 體溫失調, 代謝率增加
* Lab :
- Anemia and lymphopenia are common
- If massive transdermal fluid loss and hypercatabolic state :
hypoalbuminemia, electrolyte imbalance,
increased blood urea nitrogen and glucose ( severe SJS/ TEN )
* Prognosis :
Mortality rate: SJS 10%, TEN >40%
Backtar 也很惡名昭彰
- 最重要且最常見的原因是 Drug
很少很少數才是 Infection, Cancer
- Mycoplasma pneumonia 和 CMV, 多數造成在小孩身上的 SJS
- mucous membrane >> skin involve
- 停藥
- Supportive care :
- Adequate hydration, UOP
- Prophylactic antibiotics
- Electrolytes : 鈉鉀鈣
- 保溫
- Pain control
- High dose Steroid
- Short course of moderate to high dose of systemic corticosteroids
- Prednisone 1 to 2 mg/kg per day for three to five days may have
a beneficial effect if given early in the course of the disease
- Corticosteroids theoretically increase the risk of sepsis and protein catabolism and
decrease the rate of epithelialization
patients with extensive skin detachment is contraindicated
- Add 胃藥 to avoid steroid caused and stress ulcer
- A dose of 1 g/kg per day may be given for three consecutive days
(total dose 3 g/kg) in the early phase of the disease
- adverse effects include renal, hematologic, and thrombotic complications