Nonopioid analgesics – Ketamine
- Analgesia, dissociative anesthesia
- Low-dose (subdissociative) infusions of ketamine
are effective in combination with opioids for patients in severe pain
are effective in combination with opioids for patients in severe pain
- Ketamine can be used in trauma patients,
resulting in a lower opioid requirement for pain control,
resulting in a lower opioid requirement for pain control,
and is also effective in controlling acute flare-ups of neuropathic pain.
- Low-dose ketamine has been shown to be similar to morphine
in its analgesic effect when used alone
in its analgesic effect when used alone
and as an additive to opioids when used in conjunction
with them at doses of 0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg IV
with them at doses of 0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg IV
Overdose symptoms :
Tachycardia, Conscious change, Anxiety, Palpitation
Fever, Arrhythmia, CHF, Respiratory depression
Seizure, Hypotension, Shock, Coma
Tachycardia, Conscious change, Anxiety, Palpitation
Fever, Arrhythmia, CHF, Respiratory depression
Seizure, Hypotension, Shock, Coma
Ketamine 為中樞抑制性 (中樞興奮性之NMDA 的受體阻斷劑)
但會有交感興奮作用, 使血壓上升, 心跳加快
呼吸系統方面, Ketamine 少有呼吸抑制作用 (甚至有氣管擴張效果)
仍可能造成呼吸道阻塞, 引發 喉頭痙攣 (Ketamine induced laryngospasm)