We increase the oxygen levels in the blood by increasing two variables :
(1) the inspired concentration of oxygen (FiO2), and
(2) the pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration,
known as positive end expiratory pressure or PEEP 吐氣末正壓
PEEP raises your baseline pressure from atmospheric pressure.
This increased pressure increases the partial pressure of Oxygen in the Alveoli.
PEEP also recruits additional alveoli to participate in gas exchange increasing your oxygenation capability.
(1) the inspired concentration of oxygen (FiO2), and
(2) the pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration,
known as positive end expiratory pressure or PEEP 吐氣末正壓
This increased pressure increases the partial pressure of Oxygen in the Alveoli.
PEEP also recruits additional alveoli to participate in gas exchange increasing your oxygenation capability.
Contraindications : No absolute contraindications
PEEP 減少靜脈回流, 可能顱內壓升高, MAP 下降
Unilateral or focal lung disease : PEEP 撐開好的部分, 造成 VQ mismatch
Hypotension, hypovolemia, pulmonary embolism
Unilateral or focal lung disease : PEEP 撐開好的部分, 造成 VQ mismatch
Hypotension, hypovolemia, pulmonary embolism
- Extrinsic PEEP:由呼吸器提供正壓所產生的 PEEP
- Intrinsic PEEP:和不完全吐氣有關係,又稱為 Auto PEEP
不完全吐氣會導致氣體積在肺泡當中 (Air trapping)
而這些氣體會增加吐器末的正壓因此被稱為 Auto PEEP
在呼吸器的使用當中若出現了auto-PEEP, 有三個主要的成因
(1) High minute ventilation
過高 Tidal volume:進氣量越大, 所需要吐出的氣體就越多, 也越容易吐不乾淨
呼吸速率過快:呼吸速率越快, 吐氣時間越短, 越不容易吐乾淨
(2) Expiratory flow limitation
COPD 通常都會有這樣的狀況, 也因此在插管時容易有auto-PEEP 產生
(3) Expiratory resistance
和上述的 Flow limitation 原理類似
包括氣管內管太小, 凹折, 卡分泌物, 病人-呼吸器不協調 (Asynchrony)
Auto PEEP 不良反應
增加胸內壓進而減少靜脈回流, 減少心搏量, 並造成低血壓
導致肺泡過度擴張, 進而增加 barotrauma 風險, 也可能擠壓血管導致 V/Q mismatch
在 pressure-trigger 呼吸器模式
Auto-PEEP 產生會使得病人需要做更多的功才能達到啟動呼吸器的負壓
評估 : Auto-PEEP = 吐氣末正壓 – 呼吸器給的PEEP
治療要先找到造成 Auto-PEEP 的原因
- 如果是 Minute ventilation太高 → 調低 Tidal volume 或 RR
- 如果是 吐氣氣流限制 → 延長吐氣時間、並給支氣管擴張劑、給小的 PEEP
- 如果是 吐氣阻力增加 → 找到阻力升高的原因,可能需要鎮靜、神經肌肉阻斷、更換 endotracheal tube
在吐氣氣流限制的狀況下,外加一個小的 PEEP 能夠減少 Auto-PEEP 的狀況