Large vessel occlusions (Crtical stroke) are the most likely to benefit from thrombectomy
ICA, MCA, and some ACA occlusions
目前健保給付規定 :
(1) 前循環在發作後 8小時內, 後循環在發作後 24小時內 (時間為 Puncture 時間)
(2) 影像診斷為顱內大動脈阻塞,包括 ICA, MCA (M1, M2), ACA, BA, VA
(3) NIHHS ≧ 8 and ≦ 30
萬芳基本不做 ACA, VA = 難以 Approach + NIHSS 通常 < 8
(1) 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血
(2) 腦內出血
(3) 硬腦膜下出血/顱內出血
教科書 :
還寫到必須打過 tPA
If a patient is a possible candidate for endovascular therapy, vascular imaging (typically CT angiography of the head and neck)
is recommended concurrently with the initial head CT; however, these additional studies should not delay thrombolytic administration.
其實是建議在不會延遲 TPA 的前提下, 和一開始的 CT 一起直接做完
美國中風學會於 2015年6月更新了急性缺血性腦中風的治療指引, 重點包括 :
(1) 適合 IV rt-PA 個案, 即便符合經動脈血管內治療的治療條件
也應該優先接受 IV rt-PA 治療, 且應該越快越好
(2) 最建議經動脈血管內進行取栓治療的病人
中度以上的中風嚴重程度 (NIHSS 8-30)
電腦斷層影像 ASPECT 分數 ≥ 6
發病 6 小時內開始經動脈血管內治療等條件
(3) 有 IV rt-PA 禁忌如中風發作症狀 > 4.5 小時
過去有腦出血病史, 正在服用新型抗凝血劑
如為發病 6 小時內且符合其他經動脈血管內治療治療條件
- Symptom onset to needle time
- Type of stroke, NIHSS or VAN tool
- CT, CTA and CT perfusion results
- Contraindications to tPA/thrombectomy
NIHSS ≥ 6 or VAN positive to predict cortical stroke
Patient must have weakness plus one or all of the V, A, or N to be VAN positive.
Step 1 : Weakness
Weakness – ask the patient to raise both arms up for 10 seconds
and assess for drift, weakness or paralysis;
if any of these are present proceed to step 2
Step 2 : V or A or N
Visual disturbance – Field cut, Diplopia or Blindness
Aphasia – Expressive (repeat and name 2 objects)
or receptive (unable to follow commands – close eyes or make a fist)
Neglect – Inability to track to one side, ignoring one side,
unable to feel both sides at the same time or unable to identify own arm
Large vessel signs :
Frontal :
- Weakness disproportion
- Apathy
- Disinhibition
- Execute dysfunction
- Eye deviation
Temporal :
- Aphasia
- Hemianopia
- Weakness disproportion
Parietal :
- Hemineglect
- Hight cortical function
- Visual spatial
Occipital :
- Hemianopia