Right Ventricular Outflow Tract (RVOT) Tachycardia
- A form of monomorphic VT, generally considered benign
originating from the RVOT or occasionally from the tricuspid annulus.
- Usually in patients without underlying structural heart disease or ARVD
- Symptoms of palpitations, dizziness, less commonly loss of consciousness
- Idiopathic VT 原發性 VT 是指沒有結構性心臟病而出現 VT
Accounts for 10% of all VT
70% of idiopathic VT will have a RVOT morphology
- Triggered by sympathetic stimulation such as anxiety and excitement
包括運動或壓力引發的持續性 VT, 非持續性反覆發作的單形性 VT
- Underlying mechanism of c-AMP mediated triggered activity
- May respond to adenosine
這類 VT 會因 catecholamines 誘發, 打 adenosine 或 vagal maneuvers,
使用乙型阻斷劑和鈣離子阻斷劑 終止 VT
Avoidance of any stimulants such as caffeine
- Heart rate > 100
QRS duration > 120 ms
LBBB Morphology
Rightward / inferior axis around +90 degree
AV dissociation