- Rare self limiting inflammatory/ischaemic process
- Abdominal pain and guarding.
It is essentially indistinguishable from diverticulitis and acute appendicitis
- Focal peritoneal irritation -> More localized pain
- Often do not include surgery and usually responds well to NSAIDs
- 原發性 : 腸垂脂 torsion 造成 epiploic fat necrosis
- 次發性 : 附近組織先有一些像憩室炎等發炎反應, 再侵犯到腸脂垂
- Location :
- Rectosigmoid junction : 57%
- Ileocecal region : 26%
CT appearances :
Paracolonic oval fat-density structure (Infarcted or inflamed appendage epiploica)
usually 1.5-3.5 cm in diameter
Thin high-density rim, known as the hyperattenuating ring sign (1-3 mm thick)
(Inflamed visceral peritoneal lining)
Surrounding inflammatory fat stranding, and thickening of the adjacent peritoneum
Central hyperdense dot
(representing the thrombosed vascular pedicle or central areas of hemorrhage)
Adjacent colonic wall thickening is not usually associated, but if present is usually minimal
and the amount of fat inflammation is out of proportional to colonic wall thickening
The inflamed appendage is classically located
on the anterior aspect of the sigmoid or descending colon,
but it may be located anywhere along the circumference of the colon.