- T1a : 2
- T1b : 3
- T2a : 5
- T2b : 7
Endobronchial growth > 2 cm to carina
- T3 : > 7
or invasion to chest wall, diaphagm,
mediastinal pleura, pericardium, phrenic nerve
or same lobe nodule
Endobronchial growth < 2 cm to carina
- T4 : invasion to Organ : mediatinum, great vessel, trachea, esophagus, heart
vertebral body, recurrent laryngeal nerve
Endobronchial growth to carina
同側別的 lobe : Separated nodule ipsilateral lobe
- M1a : 對側 nodule, Pleural nodule, Malignant pleural effusion
- M1b : Distant metastasis
- N1 nodes = Ipsilateral hilar 以內 10,11,12,13,14
- N2 nodes = 同側 Mediatinal LNs ---> 直接跳 Stage 3A
- N3 nodes = 對側 Mediatinal LNs or Supraclavicular
- T4, N2=> Stage III A
- N3=> Stage IIIB
- M=> Stage IV
- Stage 1a 可以單純只手術切除, Wedge, Segementectomy, Lobectomy 皆可
- Stage 1b ~ 2 手術以外要再加 aduvant chemo
- N2 直接跳 Stage 3A 就需要先 Neoaduvant chemoradiation
看 response 如何, 再決定能不能切
- N3 直接跳 Stage 3B 永遠不考慮開刀, Chemoradiation, Target therapy