急性發作 :
Triptans are considered first-line abortive therapy for migraine at home.
最有效的藥品是 Triptan 類
Triptan 藥品有血管收縮效果
Triptans are contraindicated in pregnancy (教科書內文寫的)
所以懷孕 Triptand, Ergo 都不能用
Pregnancy :
Acetaminophen, opioids, or corticosteroids can be used.
Metoclopramide (U.S. Food and Drug Administration category B) may be used.
NSAIDs may be also used until the third trimester
Ergotamines and combination agents with caffeine and isometheptene are absolutely contraindicated in pregnant women.
Initial treatment includes IV treatment with dopamine receptor antagonist (droperidol, metoclopramide, prochlorperazine) and NSAIDs (Table 165-7).
Many combinations are effective.
Combination with antihistamine (usually diphenhydramine 25 to 50 milligrams IV) is helpful to treat akathisias from antiemetics, although data suggest antihistamines alone are not helpful.
Steroids may be useful to reduce the risk for headache recurrence after ED discharge.
Opiates and barbiturate-containing compounds should not be used routinely for abortive migraine therapy