Causes :
- Non-inflammatory vascular causes
* Emboli (TIA of the eye)
* Ocular ischemia
* Impending Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)
- Giant cell arteritis (Temporal arteritis)
- Retinal migraine (VL should be followed by headache within 60 mins)
- Optic neuritis – Uhthoff’s phenomenon
- Local globe/Orbit/Lid problems (e.g. glaucoma, orbitopathies, hyphema, dry eyes)
* ICA : 單側 同側 暫時性黑矇 (Amaurosis fungax)
--> 因為影響到眼動脈 (一定是單眼)
--> 因為影響到眼動脈 (一定是單眼)
* 黑矇症 Amaurosis fugax
The experience of amaurosis fugax is classically described as a
transient monocular or binocular vision loss
that appears as a black "curtain coming down vertically into the field of vision in one eye
供應視網膜的血流不足或血栓, 這是較為常見的因素
Stroke 前兆
TMVL from emboli is very difficult to differentiate clinically from GCA.
Have a low threshold to do ESR and CRP in patients over 50.
Much more likely to be arterial ischemia if :
Clear description of sudden onset and specific duration of vision loss
Description of curtain coming down or up over field of vision