- Severe back pain, pain that radiates down the leg (Sciatica)
- Saddle anesthesia : Anesthesia or paraesthesia involving S3 - S5 dermatomes
- Bladder and bowel dysfunction : Decreased urinary and anal sphincters tone
Detrusor weaknesses causing urinary retention
- Sciatica-type pain on one side or both sides, although pain may be wholly absent
- Weakness of the muscles of the lower legs (Often paraplegia)
- Achilles (ankle) reflex absent on both sides
- Sexual dysfunction
- Absent anal reflex and bulbocavernosus reflex
- Gait disturbance
Definition of Cauda Equina Syndrome :
Urinary retention or Rectal dysfunction or Sexual dysfunction (or all of the above)
PLUS Saddle or anal anesthesia and/or hypoesthesia.
but no one symptom or sign has 100% predictive value for this entity
Cauda equina syndrome is not a true spinal cord syndrome
because the cauda equina is composed entirely of
lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal nerve roots
- Lumbar Herniated Disc
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Osteomyelitis, spinal abcess, epidural absess
- Trauma
- Post surgery, Iatrogenic ( hematoma, 植入物移位 )
- Surgical emergency
- Evidence supports dexamethasone for metastasis to spine causing cauda equina.
There is no indication for IV steroids for patients with cord compression by other causes