- Vital signs unstable : ABC, Resucitation, FAST
- Stable Vital signs : beta HCG 所有育齡女性都應驗孕
- Pregnant : Ultrasound for IUP (Early pregancy), abortion, Ectopic - Not pregnant :
- Infection (U/A) : UTI, Pyelonephritis, PID, TOA
- Torsion, rupture, ovulation pain, dysmenorhea, endometriosis
- Stone
- Appen, diverticulitis, aneurysm
- Ovarian cyst or tumor > 5cm (6-8cm) 容易發生
- Sudden lower abd pain 隨著 torsion 越來越痛
N/V, adnexal mass
Can present as intermitten torsion with intermitten symptoms
Tenderness absent in 30% cases
- Urine hCG, U/S Doppler : flow, ovarian edema, whirlpool sign
- Sudden unilateral sharp pelvic pain 破掉的當下最痛
Mild vaginal bleeding
Adnexal tenderness/mass
can present as peritoneal signs (Rupture 釋出內含物, 較有刺激)
- After sexual intercourse, can be spontaneous
- 最重要 : D/D ectopic (Urine hCG)
- Hemodynamic unstable : FAST
U/S : Mass, free fluid ( hemoperitoneum)
- 上生殖道感染 ( Endometritis, salphitis, oophoritis, peritonitis, perihepatitis, TOA )
- STD, IUD, Procedure
- 披衣菌 Chlamydia trachomatis, 淋病雙球菌 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Strept, GNB, Anaerobes
- Lower abd pain, vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, fever, UTI symptoms
Cervical motion tenderness, adnexal tenderness
- 80% can be OPD f/u
except : 無法配合口服藥物, 臨床嚴重症狀, 無法排除其他問題, TOA, Pregnancy
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome : PID + Perihepatitis
- C. trachomatis as a more common etiologic agent.
- May be suspected in sexually active young women who visit the ER with severe RUQ pain,
when emergency sonography reveals an intact gallbladder
and no demonstrable abnormal lesion in the abdomen.
- Very sharp RUQ pain aggravated with deep respiration or coughing along the right costal margin
- Dynamic CT : Arterial-phase reveals characteristic hepatic capsular enhancement