- 1mm (一小格) = 0.04 sec
- 5mm (一大格) = 0.2 sec
快慢, 寬窄, 規則, 有無, 關係, STT change
* 快慢 Rate : Tachy or brady
* QRS 寬窄 :
- Narrow : sinus, atrial, junctional
- Wide : ventricular, supraventricular with aberrant
* 規則 : Regular or irregular?
regularly irregular or irregularly irregular?
* P 有無 :
- Absent : sinus arrest, atrial fibrillation
- Present : morphology and PR interval may suggest
sinus, atrial, junctional or even retrograde from ventricles
* P 和 QRS 關係 :
- AV association
- AV dissociation
* STT change
Broad Complex Tachycardias
- Ventricular tachycardia ( VT )
- Antidromic atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia (AVRT)
- Any regular SVT with aberrant conduction
e.g. due to bundle branch block, rate-related aberrancy
All regular BCTs should be considered to be VT until proven otherwise.
- Ventricular fibrillation ( VF )
- Polymorphic VT
- Torsades de Pointes
- AF with WPW
- Any irregular SVT with aberrant conduction
e.g. due to bundle branch block, rate-related aberrancy
P waves present
Each P wave is followed by a QRS complex (sinus node dysfunction)
- Sinus bradycardia
- Sinus node exit block
- Sinus pause / arrest
Not every P wave is followed by a QRS complex (AV node dysfunction)
- AV block
P waves absent
Narrow complexes : Junctional escape rhythm
Broad complexes : Ventricular escape rhythm
Axis Interpretation : Lead I + Lead II + aVF
Lead I + Lead II both positive : -30° and +90° (normal axis)
只看 Lead I + aVF 會把 0 ~ -30° 的 normal axis 判讀成 LAD
Right Axis Deviation
- Acute right ventricular strain, e.g. pulmonary embolism
- Lateral STEMI
- Chronic lung disease, e.g. COPD
- Hyperkalaemia
- Sodium-channel blockade, e.g. TCA poisoning
- Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
- Dextrocardia
- Ventricular ectopy
- Secundum ASD – rSR' pattern
- Normal paediatric ECG
- Left posterior fascicular block – diagnosis of exclusion
- Vertically orientated heart – tall, thin patient
Left Axis Deviation
- Inferior MI
- Ventricular pacing /ectopy
- Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
- Primum ASD – rSR’ pattern
- Left anterior fascicular block – diagnosis of exclusion
- Horizontally orientated heart – short, squat patient
Extreme Axis Deviation
- Ventricular rhythms – e.g.VT, AIVR, ventricular ectopy
- Hyperkalaemia
- Severe RVH